How to Connect WooCommerce to eBay?

If you have a WooCommerce store and want to connect it with your eBay store to easily publish listings on eBay from your WordPress dashboard and manage them, you are at the right place!

It may be difficult for you to manage the inventory, listings, and orders on both platforms. This article will help you easily link WooCommerce to eBay to manage both stores. I’ll use a simple and free plugin. 

Without any further ado, let’s jump into the tutorial. 

How to Connect WooCommerce to eBay?

To connect WooCommerce to eBay, I’ll use a free plugin named WP Lister Lite for eBay. It will help you to connect both of your stores and assist you in managing them. 

The following are the steps to connect both platforms. 

1. Install and Activate the WP Lister Pro for the eBay Plugin

First, you need to purchase the WP Lister Pro for eBay plugin from the official store and download its zip file. 

  1. Once downloaded, you need to navigate to Plugins > Add New from your WordPress dashboard.
  2.  Click the ‘Upload’ button to upload the plugin to your site.
  3. After that, a pop-up will appear on the screen, click the ‘Choose a file’ button to select the plugin’s zip file from your computer.
  4. Once you have selected the file, click the ‘Install Now’ button to install the plugin. 
  1. After the plugin installation, you will be redirected to a new page. Click the ‘Activate’ button to activate the plugin. 

2. Link Plugin to Your eBay Account

After installing it, we need to link our eBay account and the plugin. Linking them will help you connect your WooCommerce store with eBay and you’ll be able to publish products on your eBay store right from your WordPress/WooCommerce dashboard. 

Navigate to eBay > Settings > Accounts from your WordPress dashboard to link the plugin and your eBay account. 

2.1. Select Your eBay Store’s Country

Once in the settings, you need to select your eBay store’s country. You can choose it from the ‘eBay Site’ dropdown.

2.2. Connect With eBay

Next, you need to click the ‘Connect with eBay’ button. This will open a new window and you will need to sign in to your eBay account and give access to the plugin. 

I have already connected my eBay account to the plugin. 

2.3. Fetch eBay Token

Once granted access to the plugin, come to your WooCommerce store and click the ‘Fetch eBay Token’ button to get the eBay token. 

After that, it’ll start collecting data from your eBay store, like the country details, categories, and more. Once updating has been finished, you’ll see the following screen. 

Click the ‘Close Window’ button to close it. 

After that, you will see your eBay account above the previous section. You can also connect multiple accounts.

3. Create a Listing Template

Once the connection has been done successfully, we need to list items from our WooCommerce store to the eBay store. For that, we first need to create a listing template. 

It will control how the listing description will look on your eBay store, and what content is included. While you might need multiple profiles for different types of products, most users only need a single listing template since the header, footer, and general styles are usually the same for all your products.

You are required to create a listing template before you can list your items on eBay. You can easily modify the default template’s colors to match your brand. If you have some HTML and CSS skills, you can also build your template from scratch using the built-in code editor. 

To create a template, navigate to eBay > Templates from your WordPress dashboard and click the ‘Add New’ button. 

Note: I have already created a template so I’ll edit it. 

Once you add it, it’ll have the settings of the default template. As mentioned above, you can use the default template or create a new one from scratch. I have used the default template. 

You might want to configure multiple advanced settings, but be aware that you must have some knowledge of code before editing anything. 

Once you have made the necessary changes, click the ‘Save Template’ button to save it. 

4. Create a Listing Profile

After creating a template, you need to create at least one profile listing to list items from WooCommerce to eBay. Profiles are like blueprints for setting up your product information on eBay. They are basic outlines with different choices for how you want to present your listings.

When creating a listing profile, you specify eBay-specific details for your items, such as shipping choices, accepted payment methods, listing type, handling time, and return policy. This helps you save time when listing multiple items because you can apply the same settings to all of them.

Also, profiles allow you to change the price and title of your items. You can add or remove text from your title and adjust prices, either by a fixed amount or a percentage.

To create a listing profile, navigate to eBay > Profiles from your WordPress dashboard and click the ‘Add New’ button at the top. 

Note: I have already created a profile and I’ll edit it. 

There are tons of settings available on the profile edit page that you can configure yourself as per your requirements. The following are a few required settings so I’ll give you a sneak peek of each setting. 

  • Profile name
  • Type (fixed price item or put them on auction)
  • Listing duration
  • Condition (new or used)
  • Handling time
  • Primary eBay category
  • Items location (city and country)
  • Currency and tax
  • Listing template
  • At least one local shipping option, including costs (eBay shipping methods)
  • At least one payment method (eBay payment methods)

You can configure them to match your requirements. You can also explore the other general settings which might be important to you. 

5. List Items From WooCommerce to eBay

Finally, you need to list items from WooCommerce to your eBay store from within your WordPress dashboard. 

Navigate to Products > All Products from your WordPress dashboard. 

5.1. Select the Products

You must select the products you want to list on your eBay store. Remember, if you have connected multiple eBay stores, you can only list items on a single store at a time. 

I have selected the products I want to list on my eBay, by checking the checkbox.

5.2. List Items On eBay

To list the selected items, select ‘List on eBay’ from the bulk action dropdown and click the ‘Apply’ button. 

6. Final Results

After that, listings will be prepared and you can verify and preview them before publishing them on eBay. You can preview how your listings will look on your eBay store. 

I’ll directly publish the product on eBay. Navigate to eBay > Listings from your WordPress dashboard and hover your mouse over the listing you want to publish or preview. 

Click the ‘Publish’ button to publish it on eBay. 

Once it is published, you can see a gree published status on front of it. You can also view it on eBay by hovering your mouse over it and clicking the ‘View on eBay’ button. 

Here’s the eBay view:


That’s it for today’s article. 

I hope it was helpful to you and you were able to link or connect your WooCommerce store to the eBay store. This will also allow you to sync the inventory and orders on both platforms. It will help you to manage both of your stores easily. 

You can contact the plugin's author with any issues or questions. Their support is quite friendly.


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