How to Setup WooCommerce Bulk Pricing?

Millions of eCommerce owners use WooCommerce to manage their stores. Do you also run a wholesale WooCommerce store? Then, I’m pretty sure you are dealing with a lot of wholesale buyers with different requirements. As a wholesale store owner, it is essential to introduce discounts and offers on bulk purchasing. This can help you increase the store’s sales and generate more profits. 

Most wholesale owners struggle to add this bulk pricing feature to their WooCommerce store. Unfortunately, WooCommerce doesn’t come with a built-in feature to create bulk discounts. But, we can add this type of functionality with the help of plugins. 

Now, you might also be looking to set up WooCommerce bulk pricing on your eCommerce store. But, don’t know how to? To help you in this process, I have made a guide on setting up pricing for bulk buyers. This guide will help you create bulk discounts and offers in WooCommerce. In addition, I have also added pictures of each step to make it easier to understand. 

So, what are you waiting for? Read ahead and check out how to set up WooCommerce bulk pricing in a few steps. 

What Is Bulk Pricing And Discounts In WooCommerce?

Bulk pricing and discount is a method to offer discounts based on the product quantity. Wholesale sellers use this method to increase their revenue and attract more bulk buyers. It helps sellers to lure more buyers and increase their eCommerce store’s revenue. It allows store owners to select the discount rate they want to offer to the customer. 

In simpler words, the discount rate increases as the product quantity increases and vice versa. Let’s understand this with a short example. 

For example: 

  • If a customer purchases 25 t-shirts, he/she will get a discount of $20. You can decide whether the discount should be applied to each unit or the total price.
  • If a customer purchases 50 t-shirts, he/she gets a discount of $40. Again, you can select the discount amount.

From this illustration, we understood that discount rates increase as the quantity increases. Interestingly, this method is also related to tier-based pricing. This means that the users will get this amount of discount if they fall into this tier. For instance, if you create three levels: 

Tier 1: If a buyer purchases between 1-20 units, one unit will cost $15

Tier 2: If a buyer purchases between 21-50 units, one unit will cost $10

Tier 3: If a buyer purchases between 51-75 units, one unit will cost $8.5

Now, if a buyer purchases 20 units, it will cost him $300. However, if he/she buys 65 units, it will cost him $685. In short, the discount will increase as the quantity increases. 

We have now understood the basics of bulk pricing and discounts in WooCommerce with examples. Now, let’s find out some benefits of using bulk pricing and discounts on your eCommerce store. 

Why Should You Use Bulk Pricing and Discount Strategies On Your WooCommerce Store? 

Here are some benefits of using bulk pricing and discounts strategy on your WooCommerce store. 

Encourage Buyers To Buy More: One of the first advantages of using the bulk pricing method is to motivate buyers to purchase huge quantities. Offering a good amount of discounts will ultimately lead to more sales and conversion. 

Clear Out Stock: If you offer more than one product and observe that some are constantly selling, but some are not. Then, bulk discounts can help you clear out that particular product inventory. The only thing you need to do is, offer a good deal on bulk purchases.

Generate New Sales: Businesses or stores run on new and existing customers. Each business tries to convert its one-time customers into long-term customers. However, for a business, it is important to attract new customers. The bulk discounting offers can attract new customers and help you build a vast customer base. 

Build Relations With Customers: This is the most neglected point, but it is almost visible in every eCommerce store out there. Offering bulk discounts to customers at a particular interval can help you build a good relationship with your customers. Later then, you can add those customers to your subscription list. 

These are some advantages of using bulk discounts and pricing strategies. You can try this with your eCommerce store. As of now, let's jump into the next section of this article. 

How You Can Add Bulk Prices In WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a great eCommerce content management system platform. But, it doesn't provide all features we require in day-to-day buying and selling processes. As an example, it doesn't have a feature to create bulk pricing and discounts. Thanks to Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules Plugin By Woosuite to let us add bulk pricing functionality. 

During this whole guide, we will be using Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin By Woosuite. It enables you to add discount rules for bulk customers with ease. Here is a short description of the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules Plugin. 

Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules is a perfect plugin to offer varied pricing to different customers. This plugin comes with a lot of exceptional features to serve different customers. It is an advanced pricing discount rule plugin that helps you set a special price for a specific product and globally. In addition, with this plugin, you can set advanced rules such as when the discount should apply to the product. 

Besides, this plugin also lets you set the minimum and maximum product quantity. If a user doesn't meet the minimum amount, the discount will not apply. It also helps you create discounts on products such as Buy X, Get X, etc. You can even select whether the price should apply to all users or specific users. In addition, you can even set the dynamic pricing on Simple, Variable, and Grouped products. 

This is a short introduction to the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin. Now, let's move to the final section, which is How to Setup WooCommerce Bulk Pricing?

How to Setup WooCommerce Bulk Pricing?

Follow the given steps carefully to set up bulk pricing on your WooCommerce store. You can cross-check your setting with the settings mentioned in the picture. 

Step 1. Install and Activate The Plugin

To set up WooCommerce bulk pricing, you will need to install the Woosuite Core plugin. To install the plugin, make sure you have downloaded the plugin to your computer. Follow the given steps:

  1. Go to the Plugin's section, and click on Add New.
  2. Click on Upload Plugin.
  3. Choose the plugin file, and click on Upload.
  4. After uploading the plugin, click on Install Plugin

Now, it will automatically start installing the plugin. Here is the summed-up process.

Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose File > Install Now

Now, you will need to Activate the plugin. To Activate the plugin, visit the Plugin’s section, and look for the Woosuite Core plugin. Then, click on Activate. 

Plugins > Woosuite Core > Activate

Step 2. Activate The Licence 

On the left sidebar of the WordPress tool menu, search for Woosuite, and click on it. In the Woosuite subsection, click on Activate. It will redirect you to the new page, where you will need to paste the license key. So, paste the license key in the given box and click on Activate Licence. After pasting the key, it will automatically install the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin. 

Left Sidebar Menu: Woosuite > Activate > Paste Licence > Activate Licence

After that, go to the Addons sections under Woosuite, and toggle on the Additional Variation Images. 

Left Sidebar Menu: Woosuite > Addons > Toggle On Additional Variation Images

Step 3: Create Or Edit A Product

You have now installed and activated the plugin. Now, you will require to create a new or edit an existing product. The steps would be the same for both. Yet, it would be better to start with a new product to get a better understanding.

The process of creating a new product would be the same as we usually do, such as giving product name, description, setting price, shipping methods, images, etc. So, now you have created the product. 

Dashboard > Products > Add New > Add Information About The Product > Save Draft.

It’s time for the next step.

Step 4. Add A New Pricing Group

Scroll down, search for Pricing Discount Rules, and press on it. After that, the next step is to click on Add Pricing Group. In the Pricing Group, we will start adding bulk discount offers

Step 5. Set the Quantity And Discount Amount

In this step, we will add the quantity and discount we are going to offer. You can set the minimum and maximum amount as per your conditions. Here, 5 is the minimum quantity, and 10 is the maximum quantity. After that, add the percentage discount you want to offer in the Amount section. 

You can add multiple layers of discount by clicking on the plus icon.

Step 6. Additional Settings

You have finally added multiple layers of discounts. Now, it’s time to tweak other settings, which is required to make all this work. So, be sure to verify your settings with the below ones. 

Applies To: This setting should be set for Everyone. It means the discount would apply to all users. Else, you can also select it according to your needs from the dropdown menu. 

Quantities based on: Here, you have to set it to Product Quantity. This option indicates that the number of products will determine the discount. You can also select from other options as per your preference. 

Rule Processing Mode: By default, it would be set on Bulk. So, we will not change this one because we are creating discounts for bulk orders exclusively. 

Time: This depends on whether you want bulk pricing to be active for the long haul or just for a few days. You can select the date at your convenience. 

Type: By default, you will find this on Price Discount. This setting should be on Percentage Discount. The percentage discount will apply to the total price.

Step 7. Save and View The Product

We have applied all settings successfully. Now, save the draft or publish it. It’s time to check the final results by visiting the product page.

As you can see, the discount table is visible on the product page or front-end. This price table states that the discounts users will get while buying a particular amount of product. 

Have You Successfully Set Up The WooCommerce Bulk Pricing On Your WooCommerce Store? 

Finally, we ended up creating a bulk discount and offers on our WooCommerce store. We have gone through each step in detail with the images. This was the guide on how to set up WooCommerce bulk pricing. I hope you understood everything and implemented the same on your WooCommerce store. 

Do let us know have you successfully added the bulk discount offers on your WooCommerce Store?

That’s enough for this article. I will catch you in another informative article on WordPress and WooCommerce. 


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