Average eCommerce Conversion Rate

eCommerce conversion rate is the ultimate top-line metric for online store owners looking to understand if the changes they're making to their site are positively or negatively impacting the number of visitors who eventually become customers.

This article will share some of the latest figures that put the average eCommerce conversion rate.

Average eCommerce Conversion Stats Highlights

  1. The average conversion rate of eCommerce websites is 2.86% as of 2020.
  2. The eCommerce conversion rates for desktops are, on average, 3%.
  3. The food and beverage industry had the highest online conversion rates with 4.4%.
  4. The eCommerce Conversion rate for referral traffic is 3.0%.

Average eCommerce Conversion - Key Stats

The average conversion rate of eCommerce websites is 2.86%. (invespcro)

Only about 28 out of 1000 potential customers who landed or will land on a given online store move on to the purchase! The latest survey and studies in 2020 show that the average eCommerce website conversion rate in the US stands at 2.63% compared to the global website conversion rate of 4.31%.

US  average eCommerce conversion rate is 2.63%. (Statista)

Compared to the global website conversion rate of 4.31% in 2020, the average eCommerce website conversion rate is 2.63% in the US.

The eCommerce website conversions have shown improvement when the data of 2019 concerned, with 2.58% for global and 2.57% for the US market conversion rates.

Conversion rate for desktops is 3%. (contentsquare) 

Though the number of mobile users has improved, it is surprising that desktop users rank at the top for making most eCommerce orders online. Desktop (3%) converts twice as many users compared to smartphones (1.6%), even though the majority (58%) of all traffic comes from mobile devices. The tendency to buy products from mobile phones has been going insane recently. However, the data shows that people still like to buy products more from desktops followed by Tablet and Mobile.

Germany leads the eCommerce Conversion Rate by 2.22%. (markinblog)

In general, higher rates indicate more successful enterprises in that particular region. Italy has the lowest average of all countries surveyed, with a measly 0.99%. On the other hand, Germany leads with 2.22%, and Denmark follows closely behind at 1.80%

Online Shoppers'' conversion rate was 2.06 % in the US as of 2020. (Statista)

During the first quarter of 2020, online shoppers' conversion rate was 2.01%, followed by 2.08% in the second quarter of the same year. However, the third quarter proved that the website visits converted into purchases came down to 2.06% in the US.

The food and beverage industry had the highest online conversion rates with 4.4%. (Namogoo)

The average conversion rate can vary drastically by industry. Online conversion rates of eCommerce sites were the highest in the food and beverage sector, at 4.4 percent in 2022. eCommerce sites selling health and beauty products followed the conversions ranking of 3.7%. Globally, online shopping sites for skincare products could reach a 3% of conversion rate, on average. 

Conversion rate for referral traffic is 3.0%. (markinblog)

Referrals, in particular, can be very successful because they come from people that have some personal connection to your product or service. People appreciate referrals from friends and family when they come across something interesting.

Display ads have the lowest conversion rate at 0.3%, while paid search and social media have a rate of 2.6% and 1.1%, respectively.

Additional eCommerce Conversion Stats

  • The fitness industry is the best converting on Facebook, with a 14% conversion rate.
  • Global online shopping cart abandonment has been at a rate of 69.57%.
  • Global E-retail sales for 2024 are expected to reach approximately 22%.
  • Digital and mobile wallets were used for 45% of the global e-retail transactions in 2020.
  • About 41% of the online shoppers abandoned their shopping cart due to the high delivery cost.
  • The overall online conversion rate has reached 2.3 %, and the conversion rate per user is 4.6%.


Numerous new studies on eCommerce conversion rates emerge by the day, and marketers can easily get lost in this sea of information. The fact is website conversion rate can be an immensely powerful performance indicator for eCommerce businesses. Yet to truly take advantage of this metric, marketers need to break down and compare the average eCommerce conversion rates with their industry, product type, traffic source, visitor type, and device. 

And by doing so, one can grow their traffic, engagement, and, ultimately - sales.








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