Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping

In the last few years, shopping has changed dramatically, giving consumers more choice and convenience whether they shop in-store or shop online. You might be wondering which one has become the more convenient and go-to shopping method for people in recent times. Hence, to help you out, we’ve gathered some latest stats and facts on online shopping and In-Store shopping to know.

Let’s take a look at the general stats below.

Online shopping vs. In-Store shopping Stats Highlights

  1. Approximately 25% of Americans shop online at least once a month
  2. The online shopping market size was expected to reach $4 trillion in 2020.
  3. The number of digital shoppers was expected to grow in 2021 to reach 2.14 billion
  4. 63% of online shoppers go straight to Amazon when looking for a product.
  5. According to Shopify, 54% of customers say they research products online and purchase in-store. 
  6. Nearly 80% of shoppers will go to the store to buy when they have an item they need or want immediately.

Online shopping vs. In-store shopping – Key Stats

Now let’s dive into the stats a bit deeper.

Approximately 25% of Americans shop online at least once a month. 

Online shopping has evolved quite a bit over the last decade and has grown exponentially through the COVID-19 pandemic. So far, 69% of Americans have shopped online, and 25% of Americans shop online at least once per month. This shows that the online shopping industry is increasing as more people choose to receive goods from the comfort of their homes rather than trekking to a nearby grocery store. 

The online shopping market size was expected to reach $4 trillion in 2020.


Online shopping is increasing so quickly that it nearly reached $4 trillion globally in 2020. In the US alone, it’s expected to have 300 million online shoppers by 2023. e-commerce skyrocketed in 2020 as consumers turned to their devices for grocery and apparel purchases. The convenience of e-commerce and this change in consumer behavior reflected stronger demand for online shopping throughout the pandemic. 

The number of digital shoppers was expected to grow in 2021 to reach 2.14 billion. 


With the rise of e-commerce, it’s only natural that the number of online shoppers worldwide has risen along with it. As of 2021, the number of digital buyers is at 2.14 billion. That makes 27.6% of the 7.74 billion people in the world. In other words, more than one out of every four people is an online shopper. The increase should come as no surprise, as internet connectivity penetrates the world and online shopping becomes increasingly convenient. 

63% of online shoppers go straight to Amazon when looking for a product.


Amazon has quickly become the go-to place for customers to shop. Not only do about half of consumers visit Amazon at least once a week, but they are also extremely loyal to the platform. More than half of US shoppers start their purchase journey on Amazon. Consumers report several reasons for shopping at Amazon when making online purchases. The biggest reason US consumers shop at Amazon is that it offers everything they need with a lot of free shipping.

According to Shopify, 54% of customers say they research products online and purchase in-store. 


Consumers who returned to in-store shopping after the pandemic shutdowns and quarantines didn’t leave online engagement behind. Shopify states that 54%of of consumers say they browse products online and purchase in-store, and 53% try or browse products in stores and then order online. Whether it’s checking out online and picking up their order in-store, buying through social media, or in-store appointment shopping, consumer expectations fuel the next generation of omnichannel retail.

Nearly 80% of shoppers will go to the store to buy when they have an item they need or want immediately.


It’s no surprise that 2020 was a record year for e-commerce sales globally, with COVID-19 acting as a catalyst. However, people still want the experience of in-store shopping, with nearly 80% of shoppers saying they prefer to go in-store to buy an item. Emotion plays an important role in shopping behavior, and there is a human side of in-store shopping that customers enjoy which they simply don’t experience during online shopping.

By 2025, global retail sales are projected to hit $31.3 trillion.


Worldwide retail sales in 2021 rose by nearly 10%, bringing in $26 trillion. This strong rebound from a slight decline in 2020 (unsurprising, considering the COVID-19 pandemic) indicates a lot of momentum, particularly with in-stores; the next few years are also looking positive. According to a recent report by FSB, retail sales are anticipated to grow between 4% and 5% each year through 2025, ultimately landing at just over $31 trillion.

Additional Online shopping vs. In-Store shopping Stats

  • In January 2022, 25.3% of retail sales were done online, the lowest since March 2020.
  • 22% of consumers will continue to purchase fashion online.
  • 43% of US consumers now buy products they used to purchase in stores more frequently online.
  • US consumers spent 11% more time and money in-store in 2021 compared to 2020.
  • In-store sales are up 13.7% compared to pre-pandemic levels.
  • 70% of small businesses have adopted new digital tools over the past 12 months.
  • 97% of consumers have backed out of purchases due to inconvenience.

Wrapping Up

Though there has been an increase in online shopping, the majority of customers still prefer In-store shopping to make purchases. According to the above stats, people spend more in-store than online. They are more likely to shop in-store if they need a product immediately. Our results suggest that each buying mode possesses definite advantages.

Hence, One thing is clear; neither online nor in-store shopping will ever be the same. 



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