How to Set Up a Flash Sale in WooCommerce – 2024 Guide

Offering sales on your products is an excellent way to increase your revenue in a short period of time. Sales are always helpful, whether you have a physical store or an online one. 

In today’s article, I will show you a few effective methods to run a successful flash sale in a few simple steps. 

What is a Flash Sale?

Flash Sale means the discount that you can offer to the users for a specific amount of time. The main goals of a flash sale strategy are to attract online shoppers to buy on the occasion, improve short-term sales, or unload excess inventory.

Benefits of Flash Sale:

  • Generate Influx of sale: Even if there isn’t an occasion, a flash sale can help you generate some extra sales.
  • Attract New Customers: One of the most effective strategies to increase sales in a WooCommerce store is to launch a flash sale. Even if someone has never purchased from your store before, he or she may be attracted to do so when there is a Irresistible offer presented to them..
  • Sell Overstocked items: A flash sale will help in selling the existing items and clearing the inventories. 

Different Flash Sale Strategies

When creating your flash sale offer, you want to ensure that users have an ample amount of time to take advantage of the offer. To ensure your campaign is effective, you should send emails throughout the campaign to remind users of why they should take you up on your offer and reminders of when the offer will end.

Most of your sales will happen at the start of the campaign and also a few hours before it closes. On the last day of closing out, ensure that you send at least three emails throughout the day to remind them of the campaign’s ending today which creates scarcity. 

Let’s take a look at different sale strategies that you can offer to your users. We’ll look at 4 different strategies, and I’ll be using one of them in this tutorial.

  1. 30% off everything + free shipping: You can offer a 30% discount on all your items with free shipping, to grab the attention of the users. 
  1. Buy 3 items from category A and get an item from Category B for free: You can offer your users a free item from category B, if they buy 3 items from category A. .
  1. Spend more than $100 and get $25 Off: You can increase your AOV by incentivising users to spend more to redeem the $25 off.
  1. 15% off a specific category: This is a great way to encourage spending within a specific category.

How to create a successful WooCommerce Flash sale?

Now, let’s see How you can create a successful flash sale in your WooCommerce store. I’ll be using Dynamic Pricing & Discount Rules plugin for this tutorial as it provides the easiest way to set discounted prices and create stunning flash sales. 

We’ll be seeing How you can offer discounts if a user buys a product from a specific category. 

Some prerequisites of this tutorial are that you already created product categories and added products to your store.  

So let’s dive in and create our first sale.

1. Install Dynamic Pricing & Discount Rules Plugin

Note: You can skip this step if you have already installed and activated the Dynamic Pricing Discount Rules plugin. 

To install the Pricing Discount Rules plugin, you will need to install the Woosuite Core plugin and activate it with the help of the license key. We have created a Quick Start Guide for you to figure out how to install and activate the Pricing Discount Rules plugin.

2. Set Discounts on a Category 

Once you have installed the plugin, navigate to Woosuite » Dynamic Pricing Rules. You’ll see the settings of the plugin. 

  1. Now click on the Category tab and from there you can add the discount rules based on the product categories.
  1. You’ll see all the product categories and subcategories, now just click on the toggle button to enable the sale flash. You can turn it on for any category you want. 
  1. Select the type of discount you want to offer. You can offer Fixed Price Discounts and Percentage Discounts. I’ll be using the Percentage Discounts.
  1. Next, You need to enter the amount of discount you want to offer. For example: 30%. 
  1. After that click on the Save Changes button at the top to save the changes. 

3. Preview the Sale

To preview the changes, navigate to the Products » Categories and click on View  under the category name for which you enabled the discounts. As in my case, I have enabled it for the Accessories categories. 

After that, you’ll be redirected to the category page where you can see the notification of discounts you just created. 

4. Set the Advanced Offers(Optional)

Let’s say you want to offer special offers like: Buy 3 from category A and  Get 1 free item from category B.

So Let’s dive in to set the advance sales.

  1. To create such offers, click on the Advanced tab in the pricing and discount plugin settings. 
  1. Now click on the Add Category Pricing button to set the advanced rules. 

You’ll see a window like below. Now configure the settings to offer advance discounts. 

2.1. Admin Title: In this field, you can specify the name of this offer, only the admin can see this name. 

2.2. Quantities Based On: This field allows you to select the min and max quantities in the Quantity Pricing Section. 

2.3. Categories to Count: In this field, you can select the categories on which you want to offer them special discounts or offers. 

2.4. Categories to Adjust: In this field, you’ll specify the category which will be given to the users at a discounted price if they buy from the Category that you specified in the count section above. 

2.5. Applies to: You can select who can see this offer. 

2.6. Rule Processing Mode: You can specify the rules as Bulk or Special Offers. 

2.7. Date: In this field, you can specify how long you want this offer to run. You can even schedule the offers. 

2.8. Quantity Pricing: In this section, you can set the minimum and maximum quantities along with the amount of discount you are offering. 

  1. Now click on the Save Changes at the top. Now when someone will buy 3 items from the Accessories they will get one item from the Hoodies category for 100% free. 


How Often Should I Run a Flash sale?

When you see that your inventory is full and you want to get rid of it, you should launch a flash sale. Customers tend to spend more throughout the holiday season, so you can launch a flash sale when there is an occasion.

How do I add a percentage discount in WooCommerce?

With Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin by Woosuite, you can set the percentage discounts easily. 


Now you know How to run a flash sale in your store. If you have any queries, you can ask them in the comments or contact our customer support. Our dedicated customer support team typically replies within 48 hours.


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