How to Customize WooCommerce Order Confirmation Email (2023)

By default, WooCommerce sends you(store owner or administrator) and your customers ten different email notifications. One of them is the email sent after a customer placed an order. 

Whenever an order is placed on your store, WooCommerce will send you an order notification email to notify you that a new order has been placed. 

This email has the customer’s billing and shipping details and the order information, which includes the product name, quantity, and variations

As a store owner or administrator, you can customize the email. 

In this guide, I’ll share everything you need to know about WooCommerce order notification emails, along with the process of how to edit them. I’ll also explain how you can create a custom email template using third-party plugins. 

Importance of WooCommerce Order Notification Email

The order notification email is crucial for eCommerce companies. It offers order notifications in real-time, streamlines order processing, and improves inventory management.

If you haven’t enabled the WooCommerce order notification email, you won’t get an email notification to know when a customer placed the order. 

So, these emails help you and your customers stay updated throughout the fulfillment process. 

Now that we know the importance of order notification email, without any further ado, let’s jump into the guide.

How to Edit the WooCommerce Order Notification Email?

You can edit the default order notification email template from your WordPress dashboard. It won’t give you many customizations, but it would be enough to keep it brand oriented and understandable. 

The following are the steps to edit the WooCommerce order notification email. 

1. Navigate to Emails

To edit the order notification email, navigate to WooCommerce » Settings » Emails from your WordPress admin dashboard. 

2. Edit the Email Sender's Options

Here, you will see ten emails WooCommerce will send based on different conditions. Before editing the order notification email, let’s edit the basic email template. 

If you scroll down a bit, you’ll see the ‘Email Sender Options’ section, where you can change the sender’s email address and name. 

3. Edit the Email Template

Right below it, there is an ‘Email Template’ section. From there, you can customize the default email template. Here’s the default WooCommerce email template. 

WooCommerce gives you an effortless way to edit the above template. You can add the header image URL, footer text and change the color to match your brand. 

I have added the example header image and changed the color scheme to show you how it works. 

3.1. Save Changes

After making the changes, don’t forget to click the blue ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page to save the settings. 

Note: You can preview the email template by clicking the ‘Click here to preview your email template’ text in the ‘Email Template’ section. 

4. Edit the WooCommerce Order Notification Email

After editing the sender’s details and email templates, scroll to the top of the page and click ‘New Order’ to edit the order notification email. 

You can also click the ‘Manage’ button in front of it to edit it. 

4.1. Enable/Disable the Email Notification

On the next page, you can enable or disable this email notification. It will be enabled by default, and I recommend keeping it enabled if you want to receive the order notification emails. 

4.2. Edit the Email Details

Next, you can edit the recipient’s email, subject, and headline, add additional content, and select the email type. 

It depends on what you want to add or remove from the default email details. 

4.3. Save Changes

After making the changes, don’t forget to click the blue ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page to save the settings. 

5. Final Results

Now, let’s test it. 

To test it, I placed a test order on my demo store and visited my email(administrator) inbox to see the final results. 

As you can see in the screenshot below, I received the email with the custom details and header image. 

How to Create a Custom WooCommerce Order Notification Email Template?

If you want to use a custom template for all the WooCommerce notification emails, there are two ways to do so. I’ll explain both methods one by one. 

It will help you increase sales as you can upsell or cross-sell the products in the emails. 

Let’s dive into it. 

1. Custom WooCommerce Order Notification Email Template Using Code

If you are comfortable working with WooCommerce PHP files, you can customize the order notification email template using a custom code. 

Each WooCommerce transactional email is associated with a PHP file that you can customize to meet your needs. 

You can also create a custom email template for order notification emails. To do so, you’ll need to open the ‘New Order’ email settings as mentioned above. 

1.1. Copy File to Theme

To override and edit this email template, copy the template file to your active theme’s folder. You can click the ‘Copy file to theme’ button. 

After clicking it, the email template file will be copied to your theme’s folder, and now you can navigate to the template in your theme folder and replace the existing code in the file (in the theme’s folder) with your custom email template code. 

2. Custom WooCommerce Order Notification Email Template Using Plugins

You can also create a custom order notification template using third-party extensions. These extensions or software allow you to create a custom order notification template to notify the admin or store owner about the new order. 

The two most used plugins for creating custom email templates using drag and drop builder are the following. 

2.1. MailPoet

MailPoet is a popular WordPress plugin that allows users to create and send emails without leaving the WordPress dashboard. It enables the creation of attractive email templates, the management of subscribers, and the automation of email campaigns. 

MailPoet is not directly related to customizing WooCommerce notification emails, but it can be used with WooCommerce to improve your overall email marketing efforts.

It comes with a drag-and-drop builder that is very straightforward to use. You can add or remove sections, columns, or any available widget you want to use. 

After installing it, you can navigate to Mailpoet>>Emails from your WordPress dashboard to customize the order notification template. 

2.2. MailChimp

It is another plugin that you can use to customize the order notification emails. While Mailchimp is not directly related to customizing WooCommerce notification emails, it can be integrated with WooCommerce to enhance email marketing efforts and create a cohesive brand experience. 

After installing the plugin, you’ll need to connect it to your MailChimp account to create and customize the email templates. It will also give you some pre-built templates that you can use. 


That’s it for today’s guide.

I hope it helped you in one way or another. It is essential to enable the order notification email as it can help you to fast forward to the order completion process and satisfy your customers.


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