How to Add Item Purchase on Subject Customer Email WooCommerce?

Customers who purchase products from your store receive an email confirming the order. By default, it’ll be the order-processing email with the following subject line. 

‘Your {site_title}’ order has been received!’ 

As a store owner, you use many techniques to improve customer experience. Some of them work for you, while some do not. 

One such technique is changing the customer order email subject. 

You can add the item purchased on the subject customer email instead of the default subject line to get the user’s trust. It’s a bit technical thing to do. 

Before compiling this tutorial, I researched it but couldn’t find anything that met your expectations. 

So, In today’s article, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to add the item purchased on the subject customer email in WooCommerce. I’ll explain two different methods to do so. You can use whatever method you want. 

So without any further ado, let’s jump into the tutorial. 

Add Item Purchased in the WooCommerce Customer Email Subject

There are two methods to change the WooCommerce email subject. I’ll explain both of them in this tutorial. 

Please follow the following steps to add the items purchased on the subject customer email in WooCommerce. 

1. Change the Email Subject Using a Plugin

The first method to change the subject email is by using a plugin. WooCommerce allows you to edit the email’s subject, but you can add limited variables. 

You need to use a plugin to add the name of the item purchased in the customer email’s subject. 

Follow the following steps. 

1.1. Install and Activate the Follow-Ups

First, you need to purchase the Follow-Ups plugin from the official WooCommerce team. By default, WooCommerce allows you to add the following variables or placeholders as the emails’ subject. 

  • Site title.
  • Site address.
  • Site URL.
  • Order date. 
  • Order number

But the Follow-Ups plugin will also allow you to add several placeholders in the email’s subject. This will cost you around $8.95 per month. 

You just need to purchase it, download it from the store, and upload it to your WooCommerce store by navigating to Plugins » Add New » Upload from your WordPress admin dashboard. 

Once the plugin is installed, you need to hit the activate button to activate it. 

1.2. Navigate to Emails

Once the plugin is installed and activated, please navigate to WooCommerce » Settings » Emails from your WordPress admin dashboard. 

If you want to customize the default WooCommerce template, for example, color change or add a header image. You can scroll to the bottom of the page to customize the default email template. 

1.3. Add Items Purchased on WooCommerce Customer Email Subject 

You’ll see a bunch of email notifications you (admin) and customers will receive upon a specific action. 

As we want to add the purchased item’s name in the customer email's subject, so we’ll be editing the ‘Processing Order’ email. This is the email your customers receive when they place an order. 

Note: By default, the new orders have the ‘Processing’ status, so the processing email is sent to customers when they place an order. 

You can click the text or the Manage button to edit the' Processing Order' email. 

Once you click the button, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can enable or disable this email and edit the email elements like subject, heading, additional content, etc. 

As we have installed the Follow-Ups plugin, we’ll be able to add the product name easily using the available variables

To add the items purchased on the email subject, you’ll need to use the {item_names} variable. This will add the names of all the purchased items in the email’s subject. 

Note: By following this tutorial, you can customize any WooCommerce email. 

1.4. Save Changes

Once you have changed the subject, click the blue ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page to save the email settings. 

1.5. Final Results

Now let’s test it. 

To test it, I placed a test order to a demo store and visited my email inbox to see the final results. 

As you can see in the screenshot below that the item names have been added to the email’s subject. 

2. Change the Email Subject Using the Custom Code

If you don’t want to purchase the plugin, you can use the custom code to add the items purchased in the subject of the customer email. 

You can copy the following code to add the items purchased in the email’s subject. 

add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_subject_customer_processing_order', 'woosuite_change_processing_email_subject', 10, 2 );

function woosuite_change_processing_email_subject( $subject, $order ) {

   global $woocommerce;

    $items = $order->get_items();

    foreach ( $items as $item ) {

        $product_name = $item->get_name();


$subject = 'Thank You For Purchasing '. $product_name;

return $subject;


You can follow the How to Add a Code Snippet to WordPress to add the above code to WordPress and change the processing order email’s subject. 

Once you add the code to WordPress, the email’s subject will be changed, and the product names will be added to the email’s subject. 

Note: If a customer has purchased multiple items, then the plugin method will add all the names to the email’s subject. But the above code will only add the name of one item to the processing order email’s subject. 

How to Improve the Customer Shopping Experience?

Before optimizing the emails, you should focus on improving the WooCommerce checkout page. It is page from where users will complete the purchase by paying. It is one of the most important pages in any online store

You can edit the default WooCommerce checkout page and make it more conversion-focused and optimized to improve the customer shopping experience. 

To improve the checkout page, you can use the AIO Checkout plugin. It is an all-in-one solution to all the checkout problems you can be encountered. 

I have a complete guide that explains everything about editing the WooCommerce checkout page

This plugin gives you different checkout templates that you can use in just a few clicks. 

The best thing about it is free for now; you can download it from the official Woosuite store by filling out a simple form. The team is constantly working on adding more and more features to it. 


I hope this article was helpful to you and you were able to add the items purchased on the subject customer email WooCommerce. 

So there are never-ending techniques or features you can add to your WooCommerce store to improve the customer experience. 

AIO Checkout will help you improve the default WooCommerce checkout page with tons of other features for which you would generally have to download more plugins to your store. 

But AIO Checkout is giving you everything you may need to improve the WooCommerce checkout and the user experience of your store. 

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