How to Set Up WooCommerce B2B Wholesale – Easy Guide for 2024

Looking to create a WooCommerce wholesale store? You are at the right place 🙂

Today I will show you how to create a Trade only store and B2B/B2C store.

WooCommerce is one of the most flexible eCommerce CMS to launch your B2B offering in a matter of seconds. It offers robust functionality to create both B2B and B2C stores. We can easily create a featured-packed wholesale store in a few minutes. This might seem impossible. But, fortunately, it isn’t. 

To help you I’ve created the definitive WooCommerce B2B guide on how to create a WooCommerce wholesale store in just 15 minutes. In this tutorial, I’ll explain to you how to create a trade only wholesale store. Not only that, I’ll teach you to add a different part to cater to both B2B and B2C customers concurrently with a single eCommerce store. I’ll be teaching everything from scratch and systematically to make it easier to implement for you. You can call this tutorial a Definitive Guide on How to Create a Wholesale eCommerce Store in WooCommerce. 

So, keep following the mentioned steps and create a feature-rich WooCommerce wholesale store in a few minutes.

Everything You Should Know Before Starting

We have broken up this guide into two sections: the first will be for trade stores only and the second section will look at stores that sell to B2B and B2C.

For B2B Trade only stores, I’ve divided this guide into five different subsections. It is designed according to a B2B wholesale business requirement. It will be divided into different parts: 

  1. Create a B2B Registration Form
  2. Create Wholesale Pricing Rules
  3. Set Minimum and Maximum Order Quantity
  4. Hide WooCommerce Product Prices
  5. Create A Wholesale Quick Order Form

For B2B and B2C wholesale stores, I’ve categorized this tutorial into eight different subsections. Again, this is made while keeping B2B and B2C business requirements in mind. Here’s what you will find: 

  1. Create User Registration Form
  2. Creating Wholesale Pricing Rules
  3. Set up Minimum Order Quantity 
  4. Add Request a Quote for Wholesale Customers
  5. Create Wholesale Bulk Order Form
  6. Create Tax exemption Rules for Wholesale Customers
  7. Restrict Payment Methods 
  8. Restrict Shipping Methods

So, this is what you are going to find in this guide. You can jump to any of the given sections according to your needs. 

Why Might You Want to Create A WooCommerce Wholesale Store?

The primary objective for creating an online wholesale store could be when you want to handle both B2B and B2C clients together. 

This is one of the most common reasons we hear from our customers. Another reason could be when you are planning to upgrade your store from offline to online.

Here are some other reasons why you might want to create a Wholesale eCommerce store:

Create an Online Catalogue: Want to create an online catalog for your wholesale business? WooCommerce offers the best features to create an online catalog of your products. You can share it with your prospects without even getting on a phone call and explaining the products. You can play with each minor detail of your products in the catalog.

Reduces Workload: Bringing your wholesale store online helps you reduce the workload in taking orders over the phone or via email.

Accept Orders Round The Clock: One of the best reasons to create a WooCommerce wholesale store is to receive orders even while your physical store is closed. 

Reach more Customers: Nowadays, everyone uses social media to share their pictures and valuable moments. You can use social media to increase your online store's visibility. Even social media can bring more sales for your wholesale store. 

These are some of the common reasons why you may want to create a WooCommerce wholesale store. Continue reading the following section to know how to make a B2B wholesale store. 

On This Page

How to Create a B2B WooCommerce Wholesale Store? 

In this section, I’ll teach you to create a full-fledged B2B WooCommerce wholesale store. This guide will take you through each step in a systematic order. 

Follow the steps carefully to create a B2B WooCommerce Wholesale store. 

1. Create A B2B User Registration Form

A B2B user registration form is a must to let businesses collect more information about their customers and clients. It can help you collect any information you want. In simpler terms, you can collect valuable information about your buyers conveniently with a single registration form. 

In this module, we will learn to build a B2B user registration form to gather more information about our wholesale buyers. 

Anyway, let's check out the process of creating a WooCommerce user registration form. 

Step 1. Install the User Registration Plugin

I’m assuming that you have already installed and activated the Woosuite Core plugin. Please make sure to install the Woosuite Core plugin in your WordPress dashboard. Here is the shorter process of doing it:

Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose Woosuite Core Plugin File > Install Now

To install the User Registration plugin, click on the Addons option under the Woosuite submenu. 

In the Addons section, search for User Registration for WooCommerce plugin. Now, click on the Install Now button to install the plugin. After that, activate the plugin by clicking on the toggle. You can see the same in the given image. 

After activating the plugin, you will find a new option called User Registration in the Woosuite submenu. 

Step 2. Create Additional New User Roles

You don’t need to create a Wholesale user role because the Wholesale pricing plugin does it automatically. But if you want to create additional user roles, you can follow the same steps. 

For instance, if you want to create Wholesale user roles based on region or the size of the company, then you can do this. Let’s say I want users to select the wholesale role based on their origin country. So, I can create a user role like Wholesale USA, Wholesale Canada, Wholesale Africa, etc. Let’s start doing it.

Search for the User Registration under the Woosuite submenu. Click on User Registration. 

On the current page, you will discover settings like General, User Roles, Approve New Users, etc. First, you have to click on User Roles. 

Here you can see the Wholesale Pricing plugin has already created the Wholesale Customer role.  

After that, click on Add New User Role, and start creating the user role.

Now, it will show a new popup asking for some additional information. Start doing it by following the below steps. 

2.1 Role: In the Role text area, enter the name you want to give to your user role. I want to create a Wholesale India role, so I entered Wholesale India in the given field. Make sure to add a hyphen between the words  

2.2 Display Name: In this Display Name field, type the name you want to display on the user registration form. I named it Wholesale India.

2.3 Copy From: This setting states the privileges you want to give to this new user role. I selected the Customer user role from the given list, and you have to do the same. Choosing Customers means they would be able to shop and perform some basic steps like account creation. 

After making all the changes, click on the Add Role button. You can create as many user roles as you want according to your requirements. 

Now, scroll down and select the user role you have just created. In this tutorial, I showed only the Wholesale India role. I created three different user roles off the tutorial - Wholesale USA, and Wholesale Africa. 

After doing that, click on the Save Changes button. 

Step 3. Enable Account Creation On The Checkout Page and My Account Page

WooCommerce allows us to add an account creation option on the Checkout page and My Account page. In this step, we are going to enable those two options. 

Navigate to the WooCommerce settings and visit the Account & Privacy section. 

After that, enable the 'Allow Customers to Create an Account During Checkout' option and 'Allow Customers to Create an Account on the My Account page.' The same has been mentioned in the image below.  

Note: This option is compulsory to enable. Otherwise, users won't see the signup option on the My Account and Checkout Page.

Step 4. Enable Default Registration Fields

Woosuite User Registration comes with some premade fields to show on the registration form, such as Name, Address, Email, and Phone Number. By default, you will find these fields disabled. To show them in the registration form, you will need to enable them. 

Visit the Default Fields setting of the User Registration plugin. 

There you will see all the fields that are currently disabled. Click on the field you want to enable, and select the Status to Publish. From there, you can also select the field order, width, and more. 

Step 5. Start Adding Custom Fields To The Form

In this step, we will start adding the custom fields to our WooCommerce wholesale user registration form. Follow the mentioned steps carefully.

Head over to the User Registration Settings, and click on Registration Fields. 

Go to the Registration Fields setting, and click on Add Field. We will start creating the required fields.

After clicking on the Add Field option, it will redirect to a new page asking for additional information. 

I’m creating a File Upload field and Radio Button field. But, in this tutorial, I’ll only be showing you how to create an upload Field. The process would be the same for other field types as well. 

Label: In the Label setting, add the field name you want to show on the account creation page. 

Field Type: As I’m creating an upload file field, I will choose the Field Type to File Upload from the dropdown list. 

Status: This is important to show to make this field work. Make sure it is set to Active. Later, you can set it to Inactive if you want to remove it from the user registration form. 

Maximum File: The File Upload field type offers an additional option to set the maximum upload size. Here you can add the Maximum File size. I’m assuming it is 10 MB.

Allowed File Types: In this field, you have to add the allowed file types. You can add multiple file types by separating them with commas. Just like this, png,pdf,jpg,jpeg,webp.

Style: In the Style setting, you can select whether the field is required or not. You can also control whether the field is changeable or not. 

Width: This setting depends upon your theme and design preferences. In the Width section, you can decide whether the field should be displayed in Full or Half-width. 

Enable User Role Dependency: Don't enable the User Role Dependency option. As we are building a B2B store, all users would be Wholesale only. So, we don't need to turn on this option.  

Now, we have tweaked some of the important settings amongst all. All other untouched settings are self-explanatory. You can test them by yourself in the meantime. 

Step 6. Auto Approval Wholesale Application(optional)

To use the Auto Approval feature:

  1. Go to the User Registration plugin dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, move to the Approve New User settings.
  3. In the Approve New User, click on the Enable Approve User option to activate it.

If you turn on the Enable New User Role option, you must approve all the accounts manually. But, if you don't select the given option, all accounts will be approved automatically. So, don't enable this option to approve accounts manually. 

Select the user role you want to exclude from the Exclude User Roles list to exclude a particular user group from the manual approval. Here I'm excluding Wholesale India user roles only because I want to approve their accounts automatically. But the Wholesale USA and Wholesale Africa accounts will need to be checked manually. 

After that, click on the Save Changes button. 

Besides, you can also add a message to show on the account creation page and at the time of rejection.

6.1 Message for Users when Account is Created: You can enter the message you want to show when a user account has successfully been created.

6.2 Message for Users when Account is pending for approval: In this field, enter the message you want to show when a user tries to access the account, but the account approval is still pending. 

6.3 Message for Users when Account is disapproved: Enter the message you want to show when users try to log in to the account, but the account has been disapproved. 

Step 7. Generate the Shortcode for B2b Registration form

We have now created the new fields and user roles. This is the last step of creating a B2B user registration form. We will now generate a shortcode of our wholesale user registration form. To generate a shortcode, head over to the Generate From Shortcode setting. 

Now, choose the user role for which you want to create the registration form. I'm going to select all three user roles I created - Wholesale India, Wholesale USA, and Wholesale Africa. 

You can also enter the Redirection URL. It means where you want to redirect your users after creating the account. Then press the Generate button to get the Shortcode. 

After that, create a new page, and paste the shortcode there. Then, click on the Publish button. Later then, view the Page. There you will see the fields you have created are visible. 

Final Results

Here you can see I’m on the Registration Page. As you can see, all the fields are visible on the User Registration page. So, we have now successfully created the wholesale user registration form. 

2. Create Wholesale Pricing Rules

In this section, we will now learn to set up wholesale pricing for our wholesale customers. 

Step 1. Install the Wholesale Pricing & Pro Plugin

To install the Wholesale Pricing and Wholesale Pricing Pro plugin, click on the Addons option under the Woosuite submenu. 

In the Addons section, search for Wholesale Pricing and Wholesale Pricing Pro plugin. Click on the Install Now button. Now, both plugins would be deactivated. Click on the toggle to activate them. 

After installing both plugins, you will find a new option called Wholesale Pricing and Tax Exclusion Rules in the WordPress tool menu.

Step 2: Create Or Edit A Product

First, you will need to create or edit an existing product. If you are creating a new product, the process would be the same as we usually do, such as giving product name, description, setting price, shipping methods, product images, etc. 

WordPress Dashboard > Products > Add New > Create A New Product

Note: If you have already created a product, you can skip this step and move further.

Step 4. Assign Price To The Product

Now, on the product edit page, you will find some options at the bottom of the page. Scroll down and search for the Wholesale Pricing section under the General Tab. 

Before setting up the wholesale pricing, make sure to assign the regular price to your product. You should set the Sale price if you are offering a discount. 

Check the next step to create wholesale pricing rules. 

Step 5. Create Wholesale Pricing Rules

Below the Sale Price option, you will find a new area called Wholesale Pricing. We will use this to set up wholesale pricing on our WooCommerce store.

5.1 Apply To: This setting states which user group will view this wholesale pricing. Selecting Everyone indicates all users will be able to take advantage of this pricing. Whereas, Guests are those who don’t have an account on your website. So, the pricing would only be visible to the guests. 

If you select Specific Users, it will show a dropdown with all roles created on your website. As you know, we are creating a Wholesale B2B store; we will select Wholesale from the Specific User Role list.

If you have created roles like Wholesale India, Wholesale USA, etc., then select the particular rule after choosing the Specific Role option. 

This would be best if you want to show different pricing to varied countries. Otherwise, choose the Wholesale Customers role only; it will cover all users automatically. 

Wholesale Price: Enter the wholesale price you want to offer to your Wholesale customers. This depends on your WooCommerce store strategy. Yet, it should be different from the Regular Price and Sale Price. 

To create different pricing for other Wholesale users, click on the Add New Rule button, and follow the same steps. 

Step 6. Additional Settings  

This plugin has got a feature called Tax Exclusion Rules. You can also create Tax Exclusion rules for specific customers. After setting up the tax rules, the particular users or user roles won't need to pay the taxes on the selected products. In other words, this rule specifies which users aren't required to pay taxes.

You can access this Tax Exclusion Rules feature from the Woosuite submenu on the left sidebar of the WordPress menu. 

You can create tax exclusion rules according to your WooCommerce store requirements. It lets you set the tax exclusion to a particular user group, specific users, product, and categories. Moreover, you can also exempt the tax according to the buyer’s country. 

6.1 User Roles: Select the user roles on which the tax should not apply. You can choose the user groups from the dropdown list.

6.2 Specific Users: Choose the specific users you want to exclude from paying taxes. You can choose from users created on your eCommerce store.

6.3 Products: Choose the Products you want to exclude from taxes. You can select this according to your requirements. Otherwise, skip this. 

6.4 Categories: In the Categories setting, choose the categories on which you want to exclude taxes. 

6.5 Country: Select the country you want to exclude from paying taxes. You can select the country name from the dropdown menu.

We have now understood how to create WooCommerce wholesale pricing rules in a few steps. Anyway, let’s add more wholesale store features with the help of the next section. 

2.1 Create Tiered Wholesale Pricing

Tiered pricing is one of the most important strategies for B2B businesses to attract more buyers. The discount rate on the products attracts more buyers. If you are also planning to build a WooCommerce B2B wholesale store, you can try this one. Follow the given steps to do it. 

I’m assuming that you have installed and activated the Woosuite Core plugin and license.

Step 1. Install the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin  

Head over to the Addons section, and look for the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin. After that, click on the Install Now button, and toggle on the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin.

Step 2: Create Or Edit A Product

You have now installed and activated the plugin. Now, you will require to create a new or edit an existing product. The steps would be the same for both. Yet, it would be better to start with a new product to get a better understanding.

The process of creating a new product would be the same as we usually do, such as giving product name, description, setting price, shipping methods, images, etc. So, now you have created the product. 

Dashboard > Products > Add New > Add Information About The Product > Save Draft.

It’s time for the next step.

Step 3. Add A New Pricing Group

Scroll down, search for Pricing Discount Rules, and press on it. After that, the next step is to click on Add Pricing Group. In the Pricing Group, we will start adding tiered pricing offers. 

Step 4. Select the User Roles to Apply Tiered Pricing 

Applies To: This setting should be set for Everyone because all will be wholesalers only. It means the discount would apply to all wholesale users. Now, if you have created different user roles like Wholesale India, Wholesale USA, etc. You can choose accordingly. 

Select the Specific Role, then pick the role on which you want to apply this rule. 

Note: You should select these roles when you want to show different tiered pricing. 

I’m currently selecting it as Wholesale because it’s a B2B only store, and I want to show the same price to all users. 

Quantities based on: Here, you have to set it to Product Quantity. This option indicates that the number of products will determine the discount. You can also select from other options as per your preference. 

Rule Processing Mode: By default, it would be set on Bulk. So, we will not change this one because we are creating discounts for bulk orders exclusively. 

Time: This depends on whether you want bulk pricing to be active for the long haul or just a few days. You can select the date at your convenience. 

Type: By default, you will find this on Price Discount. This setting should be on Percentage Discount. The percentage discount will apply to the total price.

Suppose if you want to create different tiered pricing for different customers. Let’s assume; earlier, we added pricing for Wholesale India. Now, we want to create tiered pricing for Wholesale USA customers. 

This time change the Applies to Setting to Specific Roles, then choose Wholesale India. After adding the quantity and discount according to your needs.

Step 5. Set the Quantity And Discount Amount

In this step, we will add the quantity and discount you want to offer. You can set the minimum and maximum amount as per your conditions. Here, 5 is the minimum quantity, and 10 is the maximum quantity. After that, add the percentage discount you want to offer in the Amount section. 

You can add multiple layers of discount by clicking on the plus icon.

3. Set Minimum Order Quantity 

As seen, wholesale store owners also demand to set min-maximum order quantity on their WooCommerce products. So, I've also decided to add this feature to my WooCommerce store. In this step, we are going to learn to set a minimum and maximum order quantity. 

Look at some advantages of setting up a minimum order quantity.

Eliminate Less Making a Loss on Certain Products: For those moments when it is not cost effective to sell/ship one quantity of your product.

Increase Profits: You can impose MOQ on your products to generate enough profit from them. If you are into a wholesale or retail business, you can ensure that buyers pay you a minimum order amount. To take it further, you can also offer discounts on bulk products to encourage buyers to buy more. You will end up making huge profits. 

Improves Average Order Value: Minimum order quantity also helps in increasing Average Order Value (AOV). These days, WordPress plugins let you set different MOQs for varied customers. You can set varying order quantities for various customers such as wholesalers, retailers, subscribers, etc. 

Step 1. Install Minimum/Maximum Quantity Rules

Head over to the Addons sections under the WooSuite submenu, and toggle on the Minimum and Maximum Rules plugin.

WordPress Dashboard: WooSuite > Addons > Toggle On Minimum and Maximum Rules plugin.

Step 2. Set The Minimum Order Quantity Globally

The next step is to set the min-max order quantity. To do this, visit the Addons section, find Minimum/Maximum Quantity Rules, and click on the Manage button. It will redirect you to a new page with some settings on it. We will now add the min and max order amount. 

On the current page, you will have some different options. We will now configure each of them one-by-one. 

3.1 Applies To Setting: This setting indicates on which users you want to apply this new rule. As a wholesale store owner, you have to select it to Specific Groups. After that, add the Wholesale user role in the Roles section. As a result, only wholesale buyers will see this on the front end.

Again, if you have created users based on their country name, you have to select a specific user amongst all. This would be only helpful when you want to show different pricing for different wholesale customers.  

3.2 Minimum Order Amount: Enter the minimum order amount you want users to buy in this field. 

3.3 Maximum Order Amount: Enter the maximum number of units buyers can purchase of a single product from your WooCommerce store. 

Here, I've added Five as the minimum and Ten as the maximum quantity. 

Once all changes have been made, you will need to save everything. So, click on the Save Changes button. 

You can click on the Add New Rule button to create a new rule for different Wholesale customers. 

Step 3. Set Min/Max Rules to Each Product Separately (Optional)

Suppose you want to create different minimum order quantity rules for each product separately. Follow the given steps to do that. 

First, go to the Products page, and edit a Product on which you want to set min and max quantity rules. Scroll down and search for General Settings. 

In the General Settings, look for the Minimum and Maximum Quantity Rules section. Now, start creating minimum and maximum order rules.

3.1 Applies To Setting: Select the Applies to option to Specific Group. And add the Wholesale user role in the Roles section. 

Again, if you have created users based on their country name, you have to select a specific user amongst all. This would be only helpful when you want to show different pricing for different wholesale customers.  

3.2 Minimum Order Amount: Enter the minimum order amount you want users to purchase. 

3.3 Maximum Order Amount: Enter the maximum amount of units buyers can purchase of this particular product

You can click on the Add New Rule button to create a new rule for different Wholesale customers. 

Now, after making all the required changes, click on the Publish button.

Final Results

It's time to make sure everything is working correctly. First, I tried adding less than five orders to the cart, and here are the results. 

Here, it shows a notification saying 'Minimum Required Items in Cart is 5.' Below, see the results when I increased the numbers to seven. Check the results. 

We have finally understood how to set minimum and maximum order quantities globally and on selected products. Continue reading the next part to hide product prices. 

4. Hide WooCommerce Products Prices

While creating a WooCommerce B2B wholesale store, we can also hide the prices of our WooCommerce products. We can force users to create an account to view the prices. Follow the mentioned steps to WooCommerce products prices. 

Step 1. Install Request A Quote Plugin

Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and search for Woosuite in the WordPress tool menu. Click on the Add-ons option under the Woosuite sub-menu. In the Addons section, look for the Request A Quote plugin. Then, click on Install Now button, toggle on the button. 

WordPress Dashboard: Woosuite Menu > Addons > Request A Quote Plugin > Install Now > Toggle On 

After installing the plugin, you will see a new option called Request A Quote in the Addons section. 

Step 2. Hide Prices

In the Addons section, search for the Request A Quote option and click on it. It will redirect you to a new page and show some new options. 

Now, we will start creating a new rule to hide prices. In the All Rule section, click on Add New Rule.

After clicking on Add New Rule, you will see some new options on it. We will now start configuring them to hide prices

2.1 Title: In this field, write the title you want to give to your new rule. This won’t be visible to visitors. So, name it according to you. In this tutorial, I want to hide prices for guest users. So, I’m calling it ‘Hide Prices for Not Logged In Users.’

2.2 Rule Type: Select the option to Quote Rule for Non-Guest User.

2.3 Rule Priority: Set the Rule Priority to 10. 

2.4 Apply on All Products: If you want to apply this on all products, then click on the checkbox to enable it. Otherwise, choose the product manually on which you wish to apply this rule. 

2.5 Hide Prices: We want to hide prices, so choose Yes from the dropdown. 

2.6 Hide Price Text: Enter the text you want to show on the place of the price. You can enter what you want. Here, I’m entering ‘Price Is Hidden. Please Log In to See Prices.’

2.7 Hide Add to Cart Button: Select Replace Add to Cart Button from the dropdown menu. I’m currently selecting this. You can select according to your preferences. 

After making all the changes, click on the Publish button. 

Step 3. View and Approve the Submitted Quotes 

Request A Quote plugin allows you to see and approve the received price quotes. You can quickly view and approve those requests with a few clicks. To do this, follow the given instructions. 

Head over to your Request A Quote settings, and go to the Submitted Quotes section. In the Submitted Quotes section, you will see all the quotes submitted by users. Along with that, you will see the Customer Name, Customer Email, and the Date. 

Step 4. Send Email to Users

We will figure out how to send an email when a user submits a price quote in this setting. It means, when a customer submits a quote, they will receive an email. 

Head over to your Request a Quote plugin settings, and look for the Settings section. 

In the Settings section, you will have different options. Let’s make some changes to them. 

4.1 Quote Basket Placement: This option will add a new option called Mini Basket, by which your customers will be able to view their submitted quotes. If you want to enable this feature, you can select the menu type from the box. 

4.2 Email Subject: After submitting a quote, users will receive an email. Here in this field, you can enter the subject title for the email. 

4.3 Email Response Text: In this text area, enter the content the email will include. 

4.4 Send Email to Customers: You can enable this if you want to send an email to a customer after submitting a Quote.

Final Results

We have now saved all the settings, and it's time to check whether our settings are working fine or not. I have tried opening the Shop page as a guest user, and everything seems perfect. 

As you can see in the below image, it is showing 'Price is Hidden. Please Log-in to See Prices' dialogue. Also, you can see the Quote Basket in the main navigation of the website. 

We are now finally jumping to the last step of creating a WooCommerce B2B wholesale store. 

5. Create A Wholesale Quick Order Form

Quick Order Form is one of the best features for wholesale stores. It has many benefits, at the same time, it is easy to implement. Before heading further, let's know some of its benefits. 

  1. Wholesale quick order form simplifies and speeds up the buying process for customers. 
  2. Buyers can view all related products as per their query at once. 
  3. A wholesale quick order form helps buyers compare the products without opening each product description. 
  4. It supports all kinds of products, such as simple products and variable products.
  5. With the help of this form, buyers can shop multiple products at the same time.

Follow the given steps to create a WooCommerce wholesale quick order form. 

Step 1. Install the Product Table Plugin

In this step, we will install the WooCommerce Product Table plugin. This plugin is also known as the Bulk Order Form plugin for some store types. So, don't get confused. 

Click on the Addons option under the Woosuite submenu. In the Addons section, look for the product table plugin. By default, the plugin would be off, but you will need to turn it on. So, click on the toggle to install it. 

Here is the summed up process:

Woosuite Submenu - Addons - product table - Toggle On

This plugin automatically creates a Quick Order page. You just need to visit it from the Page section of WordPress. You will see a page like this.

We will configure it later in the article. As of now, we have created a quick order form. Still, a few changes are remaining to make the table or form more attractive. 

Step 2. Additional Settings

To make the quick order form more attractive and presentable, we will make some changes now. The product table displays a little information about the products. It shows four columns, including Product Name, Description, Price, and the Add to Cart button

So, head over to the Woosuite Submenu and click on the Addons option. In the Addons section, search for the Product Table plugin and click on the Manage button. 

After clicking on it, it will redirect you to a new page. The new page will contain a few different sections, and each section will include varied settings. 

There you will find multiple options and settings. But we don't need to configure all the options. Some settings are developed for specific situations only. 

So, I will only be talking about some of the settings present on the page. These settings are important to display multiple products on one page appealingly. 

Order Form Settings:

Shop Page: This option states whether you want to display the product table on the shop page or not. You can toggle this on if you want to; otherwise, don't change. 

Category Page: This option specifies whether you want to display the product table on the category pages or not. You can turn this on if you wish. If you toggle this on, it will show the product table on all categories published on your site. It doesn't matter how many categories you have created.

Order Form Information Settings:

Columns: This setting refers to the columns you want to add to the quick order form. By default, you will find the Product Name, Description, Price, and the Add to Cart button. You can add more columns like stock quantity, image, reviews, short description, and more. 

You can easily add columns you want to show in the product table by selecting them from the dropdown list. The available columns are SKU, ID, name, description, short description, date, categories, tags, image, reviews, stock, weight, dimensions, price, add-to-cart, and button. 

Currently, I'm selecting seven columns to display on the table. It includes - Product Name, Description, Price, Add to Cart button, Stock, Image, and Reviews. You can choose according to your preferences. 

Image: You can also change the image size according to your theme thumbnail size. By default, it would be 70x50. I'm not changing it because this fits well in the quick order form.

Image Lightbox: You can enable this option if you want images to show in a popup. For instance, when a visitor clicks on the image, the image will be displayed in a large popup. You can enable this if you want. This will help customers to see products from different angles.

Description Length: If you have added the Description column to the product table. Then, you can also control the description length. This plugin lets you also set the description limit. For instance, adding 15 will only show the first 15 characters of the description in the table. You can enter -1 to display the full description. 

Bulk Add to Cart Settings:

Add to Cart Button Display: By default, it would be set to Button only. But, you have to select it for Checkboxes Only. After that, it will start showing the checkbox alongside all products in the quick order form. The position of the checkbox will depend on your theme design. 

Quantities: This option will allow users to change the amount before adding the products to the shopping cart. If you want to offer this choice, you can toggle it on by clicking on it. However, if you turn off this option, users can only modify the quantity by going to the cart. This increases one step in the whole buying process. 

Performance Setting: 

Lazy Load: This option states that it will load one product at one time. This will help your website load faster and improve the user experience. 

Note: Don't enable this if you have already enabled the lazy load feature in the cache plugin. Otherwise, it can cause issues and break the site.

Rows Per Page: In this setting, add the rows you want to display on one page. For example, if I want to show five rows in the product table, I’ll keep it five. 

So, these are some of the basic settings. Make sure to cross-check your setting with the screenshots attached above. Read the next step to know how to customize your quick order form fully.

Step 3. Customise the Quick Order Form

This plugin also offers an additional feature to customize the quick order form. You will find this feature in the Manage section of the Product Table plugin settings. 

The Design section will contain different settings and options. You can design the quick order form with a few taps. To get those options, turn on the Design option by clicking on Custom. 

You will see options like Border Outer, Border Header, Border Cell, etc. From there, you can modify the color, font type, font size, and much more. This will help you make your quick order form more stunning.

We have now successfully created a B2B WooCommerce wholesale store. We have reached the halfway point. I hope you understood everything correctly about making a B2B wholesale store. 

Read the following section to figure out how to create a B2B and B2C store concurrently. 

How to Create a B2B and B2C WooCommerce Wholesale Store?

We are now at the second part of our Definitive Guide on How to Create A WooCommerce Wholesale Store. In this part, we will learn to create a B2B and B2C store. This will help us cater to both types of customers - B2B and B2C. So, you don’t need to create a separate store to entertain each type of customer. 

Please make sure you have the access to Woosuite Core plugin and follow all the steps correctly. 

1. Create User B2B & B2C Registration Form

Follow the mentioned steps perfectly to achieve the desired results.

Use Case: I’m creating a wholesale user registration form. But this time, I’ll be restricting a few fields to some user roles only. In my case, I want to create an Upload Field for Wholesale users only. Only wholesale users can view this field, and regular customers can't see this. 

To do this there are two different methods, either you can create a single form for both customers. Or you can create a separate form for Wholesale customers and use the default user registration form for retail customers. 

1.a Create a Separate Registration Form for Wholesale and Retail customers.

Step 1. Enable Account Creation On The Checkout Page and My Account Page

WooCommerce allows us to add account creation on the Checkout Page and My Account page. In this step, we are going to enable those two options.

Head over to the WooCommerce settings and go to the Account & Privacy Section. In the Account & Privacy Section, enable the 'Allow customers to Create An Account During Checkout' option and Allow Customers to Create An Account On the My Account Page.' The same has been mentioned in the image below.  

Note: This option is compulsory to enable. Otherwise, users won't see the Signup option on the My Account and Checkout Page.

Step 2. Activate Premade Fields (optional)

We will now enable the default and primary fields like Name, Phone Number, Address, etc. It will help us save time from creating these fields again. 

Navigate to the Default Fields settings in the User Registration plugin settings. On the current page, you will see all the fields that are currently disabled. Click on the field you want to enable, and set the Status to Publish. 

Step 3. Create Custom Fields For Selected User Roles

The objective of this step is to make custom fields available for specific user roles only. We can select to which user role this field should show. For instance, if I choose Wholesale, then only Wholesale users will see that particular field. Otherwise, not.  

In this step, I will teach you to make custom fields for wholesale user roles only. So, follow the given step now. 

Head over to the User Registration Settings, and click on Registration Fields. 

Go to the Registration Fields setting, and click on Add Field. 

After clicking on the Add Field option, it will redirect to a new page.

I’m going to create a File Upload field and Radio Button field. But, in this tutorial, I’ll only be showing you how to create an Upload Field only for Wholesale customers. On the other hand, the Radio Button field would be visible to both Wholesale and Retail customers. The process would be the same for other field types as well. 

4.1 Label: In the Label field, add the field name you want to show on the account creation page. 

4.2 Field Type: As I’m creating an Upload File field, I’ll choose the Field Type to File Upload from the dropdown list. 

4.3 Status: This is important to show to make this custom field work. Make sure it is set to Active. You can set it to Inactive anytime if you want to remove it from the user registration form. 

4.4 Maximum File: The File Upload field type offers an additional option to set the maximum upload size. Here you can add the Maximum File size. I’m assuming it is 10 MB.

4.5 Allowed File Types: In this field, add the allowed file types. You can add multiple file types by separating them with commas. Just like this, png,pdf,jpg,jpeg,webp.

4.6 Style: In the Style setting, select whether the field is required to fill or not. You can also control whether the field is changeable or not. 

4.7 Width: This setting depends upon your theme and design preferences. In the Width section, you can decide whether the field should be displayed in Full or Half-width.

4.8 User Role Dependency: To show this field to a particular user role, you must enable this feature. This option states that this field is for a specific user role only. 

4.9 Select User Roles: Select the User Roles to which you want to show this field. For example, if a user selects Account Type to Wholesale, then this field will be visible. Otherwise, it won’t display to the user. 

4.10 Priority: Set the priority to 1 because this is important to display. 

We have made some of the important settings. Let's set other settings untouched because we don't need them at this moment. 

Also, you can enable the Auto Approval feature with the help of the previous section. 

Step 4. Generate a Shortcode for B2B Registration Form

We will now generate a shortcode of our wholesale user registration form. To generate a shortcode, head over to the Generate From Shortcode setting. 

This time we will select the Wholesale role only. You can use the default user registration for retail customers. 

You can also enter the Redirection URL. It means where you want to redirect your visitors after creating the account. 

Step 2. Generate the Shortcode

After doing the above step, click on the Generate button to get the Shortcode. Now paste the shortcode in the new page. 

Step 3. Paste the Shortcode to a New Page

After that, paste the shortcode to a new page, and publish the page. 

Now, you can use the default registration form to entertain retail customers. Follow the below steps to create a single registration form for both types of users. 

1.b Create a Single Registration Form for both Wholesale and Retail customers.

Step 1. Repeat steps 1-3 from above

Follow steps 1-3 from the “create a separate registration form for wholesale and retail customers”.

Step 2. Enable User Role Selection

Before doing this step, ensure you have installed the Wholesale User Registration for WooCommerce plugin in your WordPress Dashboard. After installing the plugin, you will see a new option known as User Registration in the tool menu. You can see the same in the given image. 

After installing the plugin, we will create a new user role like Retail Customer, etc. We are now creating a B2B and B2C WooCommerce store. The settings would be pretty different from the previous one. 

Again, you don't need to create a Wholesale Customers role. Yet, you can create custom roles by following the previous steps.

We will now make a few changes in the settings. Head over to the User Registration settings, and jump to the User Roles section. 

In the User Roles section, enable the User Role Selection feature. Scroll down, and choose the roles you want to show on the registration form. We have already selected the Wholesale user role. Now, select the Customer role because you will also be treating retail customers. 

After making the changes, click on the Save Changes button given in the top right corner of the dashboard. 

Now when you visit you should see your new registration form with a role section, meaning your users can self select the relevant account type.

Final Results

Here you can see when I select the Wholesale user role, and it shows me the Upload field. It means it’s working fine. 

On the other hand, when I select the Customer user role, I only get the Radio button field.

So, we have now finally created a B2B and B2C user registration form with a few clicks. The process was quite simple because we had already performed some steps earlier. 

Jump to the next section to create varied wholesale pricing rules for different user groups. 

2. Set up Wholesale Pricing Rules

We will now figure out how to create different wholesale pricing rules for B2B and B2C clients. 

Use Case: We will use the wholesale pricing feature to create different pricing rules for wholesale and retail customers. I want to make different wholesale pricing rules. In my case, I’m going to show different pricing to different user roles. In other words, wholesale users will see different prices, and customer role users will get different prices.

Step 1: Create Or Edit A Product

You will need to create or edit an existing product. If you are making a new product, the process would be the same as we usually do: giving product name, description, setting price, shipping methods, product images, etc. 

WordPress Dashboard > Products > Add New > Create A New Product

Note: If you have already created a product, you can skip this step and move further.

Step 2. Assign Price To The Product

You will find some important options on the product edit page at the bottom of the web page. Scroll down and search for the Wholesale Pricing section under the General Tab. 

Before setting up the wholesale pricing, make sure to assign a price to your product. You should set the Sale price if you are offering a discount. 

Step 3. Create Wholesale Pricing Rules 

We will now set up wholesale pricing on our WooCommerce store. We will be creating different rules for wholesale and customer roles.

3.1 Apply To: This setting states on which user groups you want to apply this pricing. As we are creating this for Wholesale users only. So, select Specific Users, and it will show a dropdown with all roles created on your website. I’m selecting Wholesale from the Specific User Role list. 

Wholesale Price: Enter the wholesale price you want to offer to your Wholesale customers. I’m entering too and you also have to.

Step 6. Manage Stock

This plugin also offers you the ability to manage the stock for different customer roles. For instance, you can show varied quantities to different user groups such as wholesale, retailers, customers, etc. 

You can access this feature in the Inventory section on the product edit page. To use the Stock Management feature, click on the Managed Stock checkbox to enable it. After that, you will see some new settings. 

Now, click on Add New Rule and start adding the quantity available for each user group. 

For example, I’m selecting Applies To option to Everyone Else and the Stock Quantity to 50. It means all user groups in my store will see the same quantity on the product page for the selected product.

You can create another rule by again clicking on Add New Rule. Select the Applies To option according to your requirements. After that, add the Stock Quantity. 

Example: You can set the quantity according to the stock availability. Let’s say you have a stock of 50 units and want to divide equally between two user groups. Then, you can assign 25 units to one user group and 25 to another. In addition, it automatically synchronizes the stock quantity in real-time. 

Final Results

I’m currently logged in as a Wholesaler, and it’s working fine for me. As you can see in the below image, the selected product is available at $15, which is the wholesale pricing. 

We have now understood how to create WooCommerce wholesale pricing rules in a few steps. Anyway, let’s add more wholesale store features with the help of the next section. 

This was all about how to set up wholesale pricing for your WooCommerce store. Read the next section to figure out how to set minimum and maximum order amounts. 

2.1 Create B2B Tiered Pricing Rules

Follow the given steps to create tiered pricing rules for B2B and B2C customers. 

Use Case: As we are creating B2B tiered pricing customers only, we will only target the Wholesale user role customers. The setting would be quite similar to the B2B tiered pricing settings. The only changes would be, it will only be visible to Wholesale customers. 

Step 1: Create Or Edit A Product

You have now installed and activated the plugin. Now, you will require to create a new or edit an existing product. The steps would be the same for both. Yet, it would be better to start with a new product to get a better understanding.

The process of creating a new product would be the same as we usually do, such as giving product name, description, setting price, shipping methods, images, etc. So, now you have created the product. 

Dashboard > Products > Add New > Add Information About The Product > Save Draft.

It’s time for the next step.

Step 2. Add A New Pricing Group

Scroll down, search for Pricing Discount Rules, and press on it. After that, the next step is to click on Add Pricing Group. In the Pricing Group, we will start adding tiered pricing offers. 

Step 3. Select the User Roles to Apply Tiered Pricing 

Applies To: This setting should be set to Wholesale user role. This is because we are handling both customers at the same time. From the dropdown menu, select the Specific Role option and then pick the Wholesale user role. The price would be only visible to Wholesale customers only, not retail customers.

Quantities based on: Here, you have to set it to Product Quantity. This option indicates that the number of products will determine the discount. You can also select from other options as per your preference. 

Rule Processing Mode: By default, it would be set on Bulk. So, we will not change this one because we are creating discounts for bulk orders exclusively. 

Time: This depends on whether you want bulk pricing to be active for the long haul or just a few days. You can select the date at your convenience. 

Type: By default, you will find this on Price Discount. This setting should be on Percentage Discount. The percentage discount will apply to the total price.

Suppose if you want to create different tiered pricing for different customers. Let’s assume; earlier, we added pricing for Wholesale India. Now, we want to create tiered pricing for Wholesale USA customers. 

This time changes the Applies to Setting to Specific Roles, then choose Wholesale India. After adding the quantity and discount according to your needs.

Step 4. Set the Quantity And Discount Amount

In this step, we will add the quantity and discount you want to offer. You can set the minimum and maximum amount as per your conditions. Here, 5 is the minimum quantity, and 10 is the maximum quantity. After that, add the percentage discount you want to offer in the Amount section. 

You can add multiple layers of discount by clicking on the plus ico

Final Results

Currently, I’m logged in as a Wholesaler, and I can see the tiered pricing table on the product page. 

3 Add Minimum and Maximum Order Quantity

In this section, we will start setting the Minimum-Maximum Order Amount on our products for different user roles. 

Use Case: As we are building a B2B and B2C wholesale store, we will deal with both kinds of customers. In this case, I’ll use this feature to show different minimum-maximum order quantities for wholesale and retail customers. Follow the given steps to do that. 

Step 1. Set The Minimum Order Quantity Globally

To do this, visit the settings of the Minimum/Maximum Quantity Rules plugin. You can see the settings by clicking on the Min/Max option in the Woosuite menu. 

On the current page, you will see some different options. We will now configure each of them one-by-one. 

1.1 Applies To: This setting indicates which user roles you want to apply this new rule. You have to select it to Specific Groups. After that, add the Wholesale user role in the Roles section. I’m selecting Wholesale. 

1.2 Minimum Order Amount: Enter the minimum order amount you want your visitors to buy. I’m entering Five. You can enter according to your stock. 

1.3 Maximum Order Amount: Enter the maximum number of units buyers can purchase of a single product from your WooCommerce store. I’m adding Ten in this field. 

After doing this, click on the Save Changes button. I haven’t yet created the min and max order quantity for retail customers. 

Step 2. Set Min/Max Rules to Each Product Separately (Optional)

Suppose you want to set a unique minimum order quantity rule for each product separately. Follow the given steps. 

First, go to the Products page, and edit a Product on which you want to set min and max quantity rules. Scroll down and search for General Settings. 

In the General Settings, look for the Minimum and Maximum Quantity Rules section. Now, start creating minimum and maximum order rules.

2.1 Applies To: Select the Applies to option to Specific Group. And add the Wholesale user role in the Roles section. 

2.2 Minimum Order Amount: Enter the minimum order amount you want your wholesale users to purchase. 

3.3 Maximum Order Amount: Enter the maximum amount of units buyers can purchase of this particular product

For Retail Customers:

Click on the Add New Rule button to create a different rule for your retailer customers.

2.1 Applies To: Select Specific Role from the given options. 

2.2 Role: In the Role field, add Customer only. 

2.3 Minimum Order Amount: Enter the Minimum Order Amount. 

2.4 Maximum Order Amount: Add the Maximum Order Amount. 

Here, I have added One as a Minimum Order Amount and Three as a Maximum Order Amount. 

Now, after making all the required changes, click on the Publish button. 

Step 3. Additional Settings

You find two different options on the settings page, including Minimum Order Value and Maximum Order Value. 

Minimum Order Value means the customer can't place orders less than the mentioned amount. 

Maximum Order Value is the opposite of the Minimum Order Value. Here $500 is the Minimum Order Value, and $1000 is the Maximum Order Value. 

Final Results

Now it's time to make sure everything is working correctly. As you can see in the below image, I tried adding less than five orders to the cart, and here are the results. 

Here you can see that it shows a notification saying 'Minimum Required Items in Cart is 5.' Below, see the results when I increased the numbers to seven. Check the results. 

We have finally understood how to set minimum and maximum order quantities globally and on selected products. Continue reading the next part to add the Request A Quote button. 

4. Add Request A Quote Button

We will now add a request a quote button for not logged-in users. This will only show to the guest users, aka not logged-in users. They will need to log in to see the prices. Instead, they will also see the Add to Cart button.

Use Case: We can use this feature to show a Request a Quote button to our users on the product page. In my case, I want to show the Request a Quote button, along with the Add to Cart button on the product page. Your use case could be different, but the steps would be the same. So, read the following steps to find out. 

Step 1. Add Request A Quote Button

In the Addons section, search for the Request A Quote plugin and click on it. It will redirect you to a new page with some new options. I’m not explaining to you how to install it. I pre-assumed that you know how to do it. 

We will now create a new rule to show a Request A Quote button and Add to Cart button. In the All Rules section, click on Add New Rule.

After clicking on the Add New Rule option, you will see some new options on it. We will now start configuring them. 

1.1 Title: Write the name you want to give to this new rule. Name it according to you. In this tutorial, I’m showing you how to add a quote button to guest users. So, I’m naming it as ‘Request A Quote for Not Logged In Users.’

1.2 Rule Type: Select this option to Quote Rule for Non-Guest User. As a result, it would not be visible to logged-in users. 

1.3 Rule Priority: Set the Rule Priority to 10. We are adding this because it is not important. 

1.4 Apply on All Products: If you want to apply this on all products, enable it. In any case, you want to apply this to particular categories or products. Don’t enable this option.

1.5 Hide Prices: We are also going to hide prices, so select Yes. You can show the prices if you want. 

1.6 Hide Price Text: If you have enabled the hide price feature, this is useful. Enter the text you want to show on the place of the price. 

1.7 Hide Add to Cart Button: I want to show both buttons Add to Cart and Request a Quote. So, I’ll select Keep Add to Cart Button and add a Quote Button from the dropdown menu. You can choose according to your needs. 

1.8 Custom Button Link: Enter the link on which you want to redirect your users after clicking. For instance, you can add your user registration page URL. 

1.9 Custom Button Text: Add the text you want to display on the button. You can add text like Request A Quote.

After making all the changes, click on the Publish button. 

Step 2. View and Approve the Submitted Quotes 

Request a Quote plugin allows you to view and approve the submitted price quotes. You can quickly view and approve the submitted requests with a few clicks. To do this, follow the given instructions. 

Head over to your Request a Quote plugin settings, and go to the Submitted Quotes section. 

In the Submitted Quotes section, you will see all the quotes submitted by users. Along with that, you will see the Customer Name, Customer Email, and the Date. 

Step 3. Send Email to Users

In this setting, we will know how to send an email when a user submits a price quote. It means, when a customer submits a quote, he/she will receive an email. 

Head over to your Request a Quote plugin settings, and look for the Settings section. 

In the Settings section, you will have different options. Let’s make some changes to them. 

4.1 Quote Basket Placement: This option will add a new option called Mini Basket by which your customers will be able to view their submitted quotes. If you want to enable this feature, you can select the menu type from the box. 

4.2 Email Subject: After submitting a quote, users will receive an email. In this field, you can enter the subject title for the Email. 

4.3 Email Response Text: In this text area, enter the content the email will include. 

4.4 Send Email to Customers: You can turn on this feature if you want to send an email to your customers after submitting a Quote.

Final Results

We have now saved all the settings, and it's time to check whether our settings are working fine or not. I have tried opening the Shop page as a guest user, and everything seems perfect.

We have added the Request A Quote button to our products. Read the next section to create tax exclusion rules. 

5. Create A Wholesale Bulk Order Form

In this subsection, we will learn to create a wholesale bulk order form. With the help of a bulk order form, shoppers can make purchases faster than ever. Follow the mentioned steps to create a bulk order form. 

Use Case: Now, one of the use cases to add a wholesale bulk order form is to let visitors buy products quickly. So, they don’t need to visit each product separately. In most cases, you will also be following the same. 

To create a WooCommerce wholesale bulk order, you don’t need to create a new page. The plugin automatically creates a new page. So, now follow the given steps to 

Step 1. Check the WooCommerce Bulk Order Form Page

Now, I’ll check whether the bulk order form I created is working fine or not. To check this, visit the Page section, look for the Order Form page, and click on the View option. 

As you can see, the page is visible on my end.

We will configure it later in the guide. As of now, we have created a WooCommerce bulk order form. Still, a few changes are remaining to make the form more attractive. 

Step 2. Additional Settings

We will make some additional changes to make the WooCommerce bulk order form more attractive and presentable. As of now, the form will be displaying a little information about the products. It would include four columns, Product Name, Description, Price, and the Add to Cart button. 

So, head over to the Woosuite Submenu and click on the Addons option. In the Addons section, search for the product table and click on the Manage button. After clicking on it, it will redirect you to a new page. The new page will contain a few different sections, and each section will include varied settings. 

Order Form Settings:

Shop Page: This option states whether you want to display the product table on the shop page or not. You can toggle this on if you want to; otherwise, don't change it. I’m enabling it. 

Category Page: This option specifies whether you want to display the product table on the category pages or not. You can turn this on if you wish. If you toggle this on, it will show the product table on all categories published on your site. It doesn't matter how many categories you have created. I’m enabling it.

Order Form Information Settings:

Columns: This setting refers to the columns you want to add to the quick order form. You will find the Product Name, Description, Price, and the Add to Cart button by default. You can add more columns like Stock Quantity, Image, Reviews, Short description, and more. 

You can easily add columns you want to show in the product table by selecting them from the dropdown list. 

Currently, I'm selecting seven columns to display on the table. It includes - Product Name, Description, Price, Add to Cart button, Stock, Image, and Reviews. You can choose according to your preferences. 

Image: You can also change the image size according to your theme photos size. By default, it would be 70x50. I'm not modifying it because this size suits well in the product table.

Image Lightbox: You can enable this option if you want images to show in the lightbox. For instance, when a visitor clicks on the image, the image will be displayed in a large popup. You can enable this if you want. This will help customers to see products from different angles.

Description Length: If you have added the Description column to the product table. Then, you can also control the description length. This plugin lets you also set the description limit. For instance, adding 15 will only show the first 15 characters of the description in the table. You can enter -1 to display the full description. 

Bulk Add to Cart Settings:

Add to Cart Button Display: By default, it would be Button only. However, you have to select it for Checkboxes Only. After that, it will start showing the checkbox alongside all products in the product table. The position of the checkbox will depend on your theme design. 

Quantities: This option will allow users to change the quantity before adding the products to the shopping cart. If you want to offer this choice, you can toggle it on by clicking on it. However, if you turn off this option, users can only modify the quantity by going to the cart. This increases one step in the whole buying process. 

Step 3. Customize the WooCommerce Bulk Order Form

The product table plugin by Woosuite offers some additional options to customize the product table, or we can say bulk order form. So, in the Manage section, search for the Order Form Design section. 

The Design section will contain different settings. From there, you can design your bulk order form with a few taps. However, to get those additional settings, you have to set the Design option to Custom. 

You will see options like Border Outer, Border Header, Border Cell, and many more. From there, you can modify the color, font type, font size, and much more. This will help you make your quick order form more stunning.

This is all about how to create a Woocommerce bulk order form. Read the next section to create tax exclusion Rules for your WooCommerce wholesale store.

6. Hide Wholesale Bulk Order Form from Retail Customers

Now, as we are planning to entertain both Retail and Wholesale customers concurrently, we might want to hide the wholesale bulk order form from retail customers. Fortunately, we can do this in a few steps.  For this tutorial, I'll be using the Restriction Rules plugin. Follow the following steps. 

Navigate to Woosuite > addons > install and active the restriction rules plugin

Step 1: Navigate to the Menus section under the Appearance. 

On the new screen, you will see a section called Menu Structure. There you will find the current items added to your Primary Menu. 

Now, select the Bulk Order Form from the Most Recent tab and click on Add to Menu. This will show the Bulk Order Form option in the Main Menu. 

After that, click on the Save Changes button. 

As of now, this will be visible to all users, including Retail. Now, we will restrict it to Wholesale customers only. 

Click on the Bulk Order Form option, and select the Display Mode to Logged In User. After selecting this, it will show the user's roles present on your website.

From the given list, select the Wholesale user role. 

As a result, it will only be visible to wholesale customers instead of retail customers. 

Final Results

I tried logging in as a Wholesaler, and as you can see in the given image, the Bulk Order Form is visible in the Primary Menu. 

Note: You can also restrict the entire bulk order form page from particular users with the help of our Restriction Rules plugin

We have figured out how to hide wholesale bulk order forms from retail customers. 

7. Create Tax Exclusions Rules 

You can create Tax Exclusion Rules. After setting up the tax rules, the specific users won’t need to pay the taxes on your products. In other words, this rule specifies which users aren't required to pay taxes.

Use Case: We can use this feature to create different tax rules for varied user roles. For example, you can exclude Wholesale from paying taxes, while others will have to pay the taxes. I'm creating a rule to exclude Wholesale users from India from paying taxes on a particular product. You can create your own use case or use the same. 

You can access this Tax Exclusion Rules feature from the Woosuite submenu on the left sidebar of the WordPress menu. 

You can create a tax exclusion rule according to your requirements. It lets you exclude a particular user group, specific users, product, and categories from giving taxes. Moreover, you can also exempt the tax according to the buyer’s country. 

User Roles: Select the User Roles on which the tax shouldn’t apply. You can choose the user groups from the dropdown list. I'm selecting Wholesale from the list.

Specific Users: Choose the specific users you want to exclude from paying taxes. You can choose from users created on your eCommerce store. I'm selecting this because I've already selected the User Role.

Products: Choose the Products you want to exclude from taxes and charges. You can select this according to your requirements. Otherwise, skip this step. In this case, I would choose a demo product called V Neck T-shirt.

Categories: In the Categories setting, choose the categories on which you want to exclude taxes. Again, I'm not picking any category because I have already selected a product. 

Country: Select the country you want to exclude from paying taxes. You can select the country name from the dropdown menu. In this, I'll be selecting India. 

Now, we are done making changes. Don’t forget to click on Save Changes. In this part, we discovered how to create the tax exclusion rules with a few clicks. Continue reading the next section to restrict payment and shipping methods. 

8. Restrict Payment Methods 

We have now come closer to the end of this article. In this section, we will learn to limit payment methods to some user groups. To do this, follow the mentioned steps. 

Use Case: As we are creating a B2B and B2C wholesale store, we can use this feature to limit payment methods to regular customers. Whereas wholesale users will be able to use the restricted payment method. In my case, I’ll disable Cash on Delivery for Wholesale Users and Direct Bank Transfer for Retail or Regular Customers. 

Step 1. Install the Shipping and Payment Plugin

First, log in to your WordPress dashboard, and look for Woosuite in the toolbar. Before that, make sure you have already activated the Woosuite core plugin. 

In the Woosuite submenu, search for the Addons option. 

Click on the Addons option, and find the Shipping and Payment option. After that, click on the Install Now button, toggle it on to activate it. 

After installing the plugin, you will see a new option called the Shipping and Payment option in the WordPress tool menu under Woosuite. 

Step 2. Create Payment Restriction Rules

To create payment restriction rules, visit the Shipping and Payment plugin settings from the Woosuite menu. After that, search for the Payment Gateways section. 

Now click on the Add Restriction button to create a new rule.

For this tutorial, I’m going to disable Cash On Delivery for Wholesale users. On the other hand, I want to disable Direct Bank Transfer for Customers. 

For Wholesale Customers:

Short Description: Enter a brief description of this rule. You can add what’s the purpose of this rule, etc. I’m naming it ‘Disable COD for Wholesale Users.’

Exclude Gateways: Now, select the payment gateway you want to disable for that particular user role. I’ll choose Cash On Delivery.

Add Condition: Click on the Add Condition dropdown and select Customer role from it. Now, I want to disable Cash on Delivery for Wholesale users. So, I’ll select Wholesale.

After that, click on Add Restriction to create a new payment restriction rule for retail or, we can say, regular customers.

For Retail Customers:

Short Description: Again, write a short description of this rule.

Exclude Gateways: Choose the payment method you want to disable for this particular user group. I’m selecting Direct Bank Transfer. 

Add Condition: Click on the Add Condition dropdown and select Customer role from it. Now, I want to disable Direct Local Transfer for Customer user roles. So, I’ll select Customer.

After making the required changes, click on the Save Changes button. 

We have now set up restrictions on some payment methods. Let's jump to the next section to figure out how to make restrictions on shipping methods.

9. Restrict Shipping Method

In the previous section, we checked how to restrict payment methods. In this section, we will figure out how to limit shipping methods for particular user groups. 

Use Case: There can be multiple use cases. In my case, I want to disable a particular shipping method for Retail Customers. Yet, Wholesale users will be able to opt for that shipping method. You can also do the same. 

We will use the Shipping and Payment plugin by Woosuite. So, make sure to install the plugin first. 

Head over to your Shipping and Payment setting, and jump to the Shipping Methods section. 

Let’s say I want to disable wholesale shipping for retail customers. Here’s what I'll do:

Short Description: In the description field, enter the name or describe the work of this rule. For instance, I’m giving it ‘Disable Wholesale Shipping for Retail Customers.’ This name describes the work of this rule. 

Exclude Methods: In this field, I'll choose All Local Pickup Method Instances. I’m picking it because I want to disable this shipping method. 

Add Condition: From the dropdown list, choose the Customer Role. I want to disable this for Customers only, so I’ll add Customers in the Roles section. 

After that, click on the Save button to save the changes. 

This was the last section, and we understood how to restrict shipping methods for particular users. I hope you understand everything properly. 


Finally, good to see you reading the whole tutorial till the end. We have now learned how to create a B2B store. Besides, we also explored how to create a B2B store along with a B2C store. In other words, how to handle both types of customers with a single store. I hope you understood everything correctly and applied the same to your WooCommerce store. I also hope the attached screenshots helped you in this process. This is all about how to create a WooCommerce wholesale store.

Do let me know if you have successfully created a wholesale store?

If you face any issues, write your query in the comment box or reach out to us. We will get back to you in a few hours possibly. 

That’s all for this article. I’ll see you in another informative article about WordPress and WooCommerce.


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