How to Limit Purchase Quantities in WooCommerce – 2024 Guide

Do you want to know how to limit purchase quantity in WooCommerce? I’ve got you covered. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to restrict the purchased quantity In WooCommerce. 

You can create hundreds and thousands of products on WooCommerce.Yet, WooCommerce doesn’t allow you to impose limits on purchases. By default, WooCommerce doesn’t offer an option to specify minimum and maximum purchase quantities. 

I’ll show you each step in detail with the help of images to help you understand the steps better. So, continue reading to check out how to limit purchase quantity In WooCommerce with a few easy steps. 

Read Also: How To Create Quantity Increments In WooCommerce

How to Limit Purchase Quantity In WooCommerce?

Follow the given steps to Limit Purchase Quantity in WooCommerce. 

1. Install WooCommerce Min-Max Quantities Plugin

Note: You can skip this step if you have already installed and activated the WooCommerce Min-Max Quantities Plugin.

To install Min-Max Quantities Plugin, you must install the Woosuite Core plugin and activate your Woosuite license key. We have created a Quick Start Guide to walk you through the installation process. 

2. Navigate to WooCommerce Min-Max Quantities Plugin General Setting

In the WordPress Admin Dashboard: Navigate to the Woosuite Submenu > Search for the Min/Max Quantity Rules > Click on it.

After clicking on the ‘Min/Max Quantity Rules,’ it will redirect you to the Rules setting. We will configure these given settings to impose restrictions on purchases. 

3. Limit Purchase Quantity In WooCommerce

For this tutorial, I’ll create purchase rules for my eCommerce store’s Wholesale Customers. I’ll set a minimum and maximum order quantity for the Wholesale customers. 

Follow the steps to limit purchase quantity in WooCommerce. 

1. Select Customer Roles to Apply the Restrictions

Look for the ‘Applies To:’ setting in the Rules section. 

You will get three options in the dropdown: ‘Everyone,’ ‘Guests,’ and ‘Specific Roles.’ You will need to choose according to your requirements. 

Choosing ‘Everyone’ means this rule will be applicable to all users. ‘Guests’ state that this rule will apply to logged-out users only. Whereas the ‘Specific Roles’ will only apply to selected users’ roles, such as Wholesale Customers, New Customers, etc. 

I want to create this rule for Wholesale users only, so I’ll select ‘Specific Roles’ from the dropdown. Then, I’ll select the ‘Wholesale Customer’ option from the list of user roles

2. Add Minimum Order Quantity

Search for the ‘Minimum Order Quantity’ option in the ‘Rules’ section. Enter the minimum order quantity you want your buyers to purchase to complete the purchase in this field. 

3. Select Maximum Order Quantity 

Search for the ‘Maximum Order Quantity’ field in the ‘Rules’ section. Enter the maximum order quantity your buyers can purchase of all products present on your WooCommerce store in this field. 

4. Click on the ‘Save Changes’ Button

Click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to save all the current changes. 

Final Results

We have now figured out how to limit purchase quantities in WooCommerce. We will now check whether everything is working fine or not. So, let’s check it. 

I’m currently in my Demo WooCommerce store, and I added four products to the cart. For your information, I specified ‘5’ as the Minimum Order Quantity and ‘10’ as the Maximum Order Quantity. These are the final results we got with the help of the WooCommerce Min-Max Quantities Plugin.

As you can see, the above image has a popup that states the purchase doesn’t meet the minimum order quantity. So, add more to the shopping cart

When I add more than ‘10’ items to my shopping cart, it again shows a popup asking me to remove some items. 

Hence, this shows that the settings are working perfectly, and you can apply the same. 


We finally checked out how to limit purchase quantity in WooCommerce. I hope you understood the steps properly and implemented the same on your WooCommerce store. If you face any issues while limiting purchase quantity in WooCommerce, leave a comment or contact Woosuite customer support. Our dedicated customer support team typically replies within 48 hours. 

Ready to Impose Restriction on Purchases?

Install the WooCommerce Min-Max Quantities Plugin today.


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